ISPconfig strange behaviour

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Tomnick, Oct 18, 2016.

  1. Tomnick

    Tomnick New Member

    Hello everybody,
    I have (had) a well running ispconfig 3.1 envoirment running Ubuntu 16.04. All of the sudden and out of the blue my urls are not working properly anymore. E.g. has drupal runing. Usually when I called it (http) it redirected it to Now calling it it directs it to the "Welcome to my Website" . If I call it directs me to but error 404 not found. If I call https://mydomain/drupal it works fine. Any idea what could be messed up? I searching since hours....Thanks for a little hint...
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) Check if there is an index.html file in the web folder, if that's the case, rename it or remove it.
    2) Check that the .htaccess file in the web folder is correct.
  3. Tomnick

    Tomnick New Member

    index file is removed and .htaccess file is correct....still the same is so strange...looks like it is getting ist from somewhere else...
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you check the access.log of the website to see if the requests arrive at this website at all?
  5. Tomnick

    Tomnick New Member

    Yes, the access.log in /var/www/mydomain does not show the http access but the https....
  6. Tomnick

    Tomnick New Member

    I found the problem: For some reason the IPv4-Address in ISPConfig was configured a "*" instead of the IP. Changed it and bam, works again like a charme...thanks for the inputs....

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