ISPConfig Ubuntu 14.10 Not receiving emails after Perfect Install

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by haddaraboy, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. haddaraboy

    haddaraboy New Member

    Hello All,

    I have been browsing this site for a while and just signed up and decided to Pay subscription to show my support for all the help and effort you provide :)

    Moving on, I have a cloud server with RackSpace with Ubuntu 14.10 installed on it. I followed The perfect install method found here. After that I had issues with email, outgoing and incoming, I manged to fix the outgoing by changing myhostname in and hostname file.

    The Current problem is I can't receive emails. I tried to email myself from gmail, and got error "Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; unknown user: "admin"", so I played around with the dns records and now Im not getting any errors or bounce backs on gmail, but still not receiving emails!

    1 last thing is that when i ssh into my server, i get the notification
    "* Documentation:
    You have new mail."

    Please help me out you guys, I am a semi-noob :)

    EDIT 1:

    I managed to fix the problem by changing the following in /etc/postfix/

    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
  2. haddaraboy

    haddaraboy New Member

    Please Remove
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
  3. haddaraboy

    haddaraboy New Member

    Please remove
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Maybe a short explanation of your problem: You can not add a domain in mydestinations etting in a postfix virtual user setup that is used for email as postfix expects only domains there that will be used together with linux system users. Therefor the hostname of a server (which gets added there) should always be a subdomain like and not
  5. haddaraboy

    haddaraboy New Member

    Actually Till, it's thanks to your help I managed to fix the problem, I came across an old topic with the same symptoms, where you mentioned this solutions.

    So thank you for the help, you are the best.

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