Today while trying to update my server ISPConfig 3.2.8p2 I received an 'Unable to retrieve version file' after running ''. In the past I've been able to update my server using this method with no issues. I did do some research to investigate what could be the problem, I can't ping (can ping other domains without issue). Checked 'php.ini' to ensure allow_url_fopen was on as was suggested could be an issue. I haven't changed anything on my network which would restrict my server from reaching, it's just unreachable. Any recommendations in resolving this would be helpful.
I've been trying all day. I just found a solution that worked, just disabled IPv6 on my network interface. Working now.
That might not be the best solution but it is good to hear that it works again. You might need to do something about your ipv6 settings in your server (and in your router too, if it is behind nat firewall) to make your server work with ipv6.
It had been working just fine with IPv6 enable just fine for last year and a half with no issues. I'm not experiencing issues with anything else on my network experiencing connectivity issue around IPv6 except today with my ISPConfig server. Not certain I would chalk this up to be an issue with IPv6 on my firewall either since I know I connect to other services leveraging IPv6.
Could also be on the other end that you trying to connect to. As said, it could just be a temporary hiccup.
Same thing happened to me, namely ended with Code: Unable to retrieve version file I have a multiserver setup, other servers were just before this succesfully updated. I searched for this thread, and after reading it tried again. Now worked. So I think @ahrasis stated it correctly, it is some temporary glitch in the site update is downloaded from.