ISPConfig update status - problem with updating

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by itstudio7777, Mar 2, 2022.

  1. itstudio7777

    itstudio7777 Member

    Hi , I have problem with updating.
    My server is Debian 10 with ispconfig 3 on it.
    I have this message in ispconfig server status :

    Inst libsasl2-modules-db [2.1.27+dfsg-1+deb10u1] (2.1.27+dfsg-1+deb10u2 Debian-Security:10/oldstable [amd64])
    Inst libsasl2-2 [2.1.27+dfsg-1+deb10u1] (2.1.27+dfsg-1+deb10u2 Debian-Security:10/oldstable [amd64])
    Inst libsasl2-modules [2.1.27+dfsg-1+deb10u1] (2.1.27+dfsg-1+deb10u2 Debian-Security:10/oldstable [amd64])
    Conf libsasl2-modules-db (2.1.27+dfsg-1+deb10u2 Debian-Security:10/oldstable [amd64])
    Conf libsasl2-2 (2.1.27+dfsg-1+deb10u2 Debian-Security:10/oldstable [amd64])
    Conf libsasl2-modules (2.1.27+dfsg-1+deb10u2 Debian-Security:10/oldstable [amd64])
    But when I type apt -get update the message is not changing and my server not updating.
    Could you help me, where is my mistake?
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    The command to install tne upgraded packages is
    apt upgrade
    Use that command and if problems paste here in CODE tags the command line and the output.
  3. itstudio7777

    itstudio7777 Member

    Everything is perfect now.
    My system is updated.

    thanks for answering

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