ISPConfig v3?

Discussion in 'General' started by tdangel, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. tdangel

    tdangel New Member

    I've been looking around for a system management solution for a small ISP that I do consulting work with so they can more easily manage some of their services and ISPConfig looks like a great solution.

    The main problem I see is that it puts all the services on one system. I currently run separate systems for all their services and would prefer to keep this method in place for failure tolerance, however, I know ISPConfig 2.x does not support separate system installations.

    Is there any planned release date for v3 of ISPConfig for support of multiple system installations? I'm specifically concerned about splitting up web, dns, and email systems onto separate servers. Any info you can provide would be great. Thanks!

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Sorry, there is no release date for ISPConfig 3 yet. We are making good progess but the first releases will be all alpha releases and not for production enviroments. I hope that I will be able to release a first alpha of the mail and DNS module in a few weeks.

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