ispconfig vs. resolv.conf?

Discussion in 'General' started by Ben, Jan 13, 2007.

  1. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    Hi folks,

    i added some days ago, a search domain to my resolv.conf.
    Due to a reboot (kernel ;) ) i experienced that a lookup using that searchdomain does not work anymore. The problem was the line "search ..." that i added to the resolv.conf disappeared. But i did not change anything, i mean the kernelinstall normally does not affect the resolv.conf (or does it nowerdays?) so only the (re)start of services could be the problem.
    So the question is, does ISPConfig write to the resolv.conf and if yes, where can I change the template / or which script is responsible for that?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig does not write to the resolv.conf at all.

    Is this a virtual server? Which linux distribution do you use? E.G. SuSe is writing to resolv.conf if I remember correctly.
  3. Clogboy

    Clogboy New Member

    If you are using DHCP you will most likely find that the DHCP daemon would have overwritten your /etc/resolv.conf upon receiving it's IP address.
  4. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    @Till: No its a rootserver running Debian Sarge.
    @Clogboy: No dhcp is not running.

    Well i will just watch it and see what happens on next reboot ;)
  5. jnsc

    jnsc rotaredoM Moderator

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