Hi, My install was working quite cool on: ssd.domain.com:8080 , I also had ssd.domain.com as a domain in ispconfig itself, and had letsecrypt done with https://github.com/ahrasis/LE4ISPC Today i couldnt login into ISP as it stated certificate was invalid , i ran update to git-stable , and got this in the middle of install : Code: Broadcast message from root@ssd (Wed 2020-05-13 20:42:00 GMT): Password entry required for 'Enter passphrase for SSL/TLS keys for ssd.domain.com:443 (RSA):' (PID 18786). Please enter password with the systemd-tty-ask-password-agent tool! Tho i dont remeber any password used for SSL . So long story short - i have reupdated ISP several times, reconfigured the main certificate of ISP during update, and removed ssd.domain.com config from apache enabled site . So for now all seems like working, except ISP. And if i enable ssd.domain.com - it would again ask for password and would not allow apache to start. Theoretically i could have used ISP panel to remove SSL from ssd.domain.com , but as ISP does not start (not accessible on 8080 port) i cannot do anything. Anyone would have any thoughts on how to fix this ? Thanks
UPD: Found out , that privatekey and fullchain in where updated in /etc/letsencrypt/archive/ssd.domain.com , and in private key it has : -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,.... Any ideas how this could have happened ?