
Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by nmazza, Oct 11, 2017.

  1. nmazza

    nmazza Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Dear Support;
    After ispconfig3.05-SP8_update-to_3.1.7p1
    Never login the admin user to the control panel
    I had updated the password with the following
    mysql -u root -p
    use dbispconfig;
    UPDATE sys_user SET passwort = md5('admin') WHERE username = 'admin';
    BUT NOT WORK!, and the I have updated using PhPMyAdmin using
    Filas afectadas: 1 (La consulta tardó 0.0004 seg)
    consulta SQL:
    UPDATE sys_user SET passwort = md5( 'admin' ) WHERE username = 'admin'
    and NOT WORK! again.
    No messages about wrong user or password, simply, continue waiting for the user and password entry again.
    I'll appreciate your cooperation
    Nestor Mazza
  2. Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    delete your cookies or try a different browser, and please change your password immediately
  3. nmazza

    nmazza Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks, now is working fine again
  4. nmazza

    nmazza Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Let me another question,
    I wait for this time because my provider, linode, move one of the datacenters Dallas to Dallas2, some minutes ago,
    and now I will continue testing the changes.
    Server: (CentOS Unknown) ISPConfig 3.1.7p1
    Server: (CentOS Unknown) ISPConfig 3.1.7p1
    Server: (CentOS Unknown) ISPConfig 3.1.7p1
    All of them have been migrate from, New Version : 3.1.7p1
    and the last one migration is pending until today, says
    Server: (Redhat Unknown) ISPConfig
    All the new CentOS Unknown are OK with this names?

  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The difference between the servers in the OS name is ok. Which text is in the /etc/redhat-release file on the CentOS Unlnown systems?

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