I've installed ispconfig3 successfully, but I am getting the 502 Bad Gateway and I've tried all I know to fix it but I am tapped out of ideas. Here is the url: Any help or direction is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Most likely a different software usesvalready port 8080 on your server ot router. Try to use a different port for ispconfig.
@till, it was due to to the ...sock which I changed to look at and then it worked. Not sure if that is what it supposed to be but it works. But now I have a new issue. On a new website, the frontpage loads but all other pages return a 404 error. I have WordPress multisite installed with Nginx. I am new to using ISPConfig3 with Nginx, so I am still learning.
Thanks @till. I did a reinstall and everything is working fine right now except the wildcard DNS, but I am going to try and figure that out myself. Again, thanks.
My dear @till I'm having the same problem for the first time, I've tried everything, see here http://prntscr.com/mmawtq open normal https://painel.topsolarmkt.com/ open normal Not open erro 502 https://painel.topsolarmkt.com:8080 which port should I replace the 8080? very thank
Ok my dear, thank. But how to do that, I never did... upgrade where if I can't get in, only through the terminal linux... I use google cloud debian stretch.. This here to update, what choose? http://prntscr.com/mmse92 I already did and look at the message There are no updates available for ISPConfig 3.1.13
cd /tmp wget http://www.ispconfig.org/downloads/ISPConfig-3.1.13.tar.gz tar xvfz ISPConfig-3.1.13.tar.gz cd ispconfig3_install/install php -q update.php
Very thank my dear... I'm trying here, you doubt the last line, I type what Reconfigure Services? (yes,no,selected) [yes]: yes Configuring Postfix Configuring Dovecot Configuring Spamassassin Configuring Amavisd Configuring Getmail Configuring BIND Configuring Pureftpd Configuring nginx Configuring Apps vhost Configuring Jailkit Configuring Ubuntu Firewall Configuring Database Updating ISPConfig ISPConfig Port [8080]:
Thank Dear, Create new ISPConfig SSL certificate (yes,no) [no]: YES or NO? Sorry, silly questions, but I've never done that...but it already helps other people with the same doubt and problem...
Continue with installation, but see PHP error Reconfigure Crontab? (yes,no) [yes]: yes Updating Crontab Restarting services ... Failed to reload php5-fpm.service: Unit php5-fpm.service not found. Update finished. topsolarmkt@srv:/tmp/ispconfig3_install/install$
Seems as if you did not install php5-fpm and without that, the system can not work. Which tutorial did you use to install the server?
I didn'T really install PHP 5... forever this tutorial https://wiki.projetoroot.com.br/index.php?title=ISPConfig#V.C3.ADdeo_1
The PHP version depends on the OS and OS version that you use and ispconfig expects to find the PHP version that belongs to a specific operating system version and if the expected PHP version is not there, then the system must fail. Go to the ispconfig website and there to the documentation page, there you find a lot of perfect server tutorials for different operating systems and versions, pick the guide that matched the OS and OS version that you use on your server and follow it to install your system.
I get it, but I bought the official guide ISP, but due to lack of time I didn't read it, but does it help that too? you didn't have to block me out so I wouldn't send emails, I'm sorry. Thank by help. I'm going to re-install the VPs from zero...
The ISPConfig manual is a user manual, it shows you how to use ISPConfig. It is not an installation guide, the installation guides are linked on the ISPConfig homepage on the documentation page.
I have the same error (ISPconfig try to use php5-fpm, but isn't installed), I'm using this guide: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/perfect-server-debian-9-nginx-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-3.1 Im using debian 9.8 on a Digitalocean server. A few moths ago I installed another server with same tutorial and it worked, but today is not working
Having same problem, followed instructions from https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/perfect-server-debian-9-nginx-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-3.1/ Followed same instructions 2 days ago, that worked fine. Look like something went wrong with ISPConfig OS detection, install/dist/conf/debian90.conf.php don't have any reffernce to php5. On line 105, $dist have following value Code: [name] => Debian [version] => Jessie [id] => debian60 [confid] => debian60 [baseid] => debian On Code: root@server:/tmp/ispconfig3_install/install# lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 9.8 (stretch) Release: 9.8 Codename: stretch root@server:/tmp/ispconfig3_install/install# The problem is Debian 9.8 getting detected as Debian 8.