ISPConfig3 as DNS server questions

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by ACDII, May 31, 2013.

  1. ACDII

    ACDII Member

    First, I followed the Debian install for the DNS , Here
    but used Fedora instead. Does that matter?

    Second, I have the manual for ISPConfig 3 we purchased, but having some difficulty importing the Zone files from our existing BIND server.

    Third, One of the servers I built is on a VMware that crashed and a new build will be needed since the snapshot failed. Does it matter if the base OS is on different versions?
  2. anvarit

    anvarit New Member

    no different distro's are not a problem, ispconfig uses mysql and bind. Those are packages that are available on almost all the distro's out there.

    what are the problems with the import?

    distro version are also not a problem (here 3 nameservers, debian 6, ubuntu 12.04, debian 7 x64)
  3. ACDII

    ACDII Member

    Well, I did something dumb after getting the Zones to finally import. I ran an OS upgrade and totally wiped out ISPConfig3. I need to start over, but cant find the version of Debian that is in the howto.


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