ISPConfig3 Fedora 10 Perfect Server won't send emails locally

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Buford, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. Buford

    Buford New Member

    Hello everyone!

    Like my title says, my fedora 10 install of the perfect server with ispconfig3 won't send emails locally. the only parts i did not follow in the howto is installing PureFTPd and MyDNS because i don't need them...

    I can login to ispconfig3, squirrelmail with no problems...

    Do I need to install these two services to send emails locally? Do i need to install from scratch or is it OK to install them even after ispconfig3 has been installed?

    I got this from the mail logs:
    Jun 29 09:01:06 mail postfix/trivial-rewrite[12370]: warning: do not list domain in BOTH mydestination and virtual_mailbox_domains

    thanks for your replies
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please remove from the mydestination line in /etc/postfix/ and restart Postfix.

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