I only found very old threads dealing with this and since Proxmox VE 4.0 has pretty good support for LXC and all threads are from at least 2 years back I thought I'd ask: Is it possible and advisable to install ISPCONFIG3 inside an LXC? I'm in need to setup ISPCONFIG on a new server and wanted to go with virtual machines, my other option would be KVM
Should work as usual, just leave out the quota configuration part of the perfect server tutorial. LXC does not support quota inside the container, so you cant limit the size of websites.
So far, I have gone forward with the tutorial for the perfect server for Debian 8 except I used nginx instead of Apache. The only hiccup so far seems to be when installing ISPCONFIG3, at the end I get: Any ideas?
jepp, looks alright. will update this thread if I find anything problematic or worth mentioning in connection with LXC