ISPconfig3 Limit Templates Not Taking Affect

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by OpenSources, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. OpenSources

    OpenSources Member

    I have been trying to get the limit templates setup for a few hours. Since I could not get an answer concerning the main template I set all its values to zero and set all desired limits to the additional template.

    My issue is that no limits are showing in the panel. All site are showing unlimited everything. Even if I change the limits directly per site the still show unlimited.
  2. OpenSources

    OpenSources Member

    Also can't delete client because he has stuff in billing module. In the billing module he cant be deleted either
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can do that, it works fine that way.

    A client and reseller limit is limiting the values when the client or reseller adds a web site, mail domain etc. Changing a template does not alter any existing sites and an admin can override any limits. so if you want to test the limits, then you have to log in as a client or as a reseller.

    Billing module data is fiscal data, so you can not remove a client. Instead you should disable him.
  4. OpenSources

    OpenSources Member

    Hey, Till.
    I'm having an issue with the templates. I wanted to setup a main template without email. Good.
    I then created an additional template with just email, but the 0s are overriding the set values in the main template.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Template values get added. so when you have 0 Mailboxes in the main template and you add an addon template with 5 mailboxes, then the client has an overall sum of 5 mailboxes. When you add another addon template with 5 mailboxes, then the client has an overall amount of 10 mailboxes. The client limits are calculated when you save the client after you added a template or addon template.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Just a guess, maybe you mix up "not set = 0" with "unlimited = -1" here? Unlimited means that a user can use all resources, so when you have a value e.g. 5 and add unlimited to it, then the result must be unlimited as we know from school math. So when you want to create a template that does not influence another template, then you have to set the value to 0 as e.g. 5 + 0 = 5.

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