ISPConfig3 on Debian 7 for VM with OpenVZ

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by TheGreatDoc, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. TheGreatDoc

    TheGreatDoc New Member

    Hi All,
    I'm having troubles with the VE Management from ISPConfig3 installed on a Debian 7.
    I've installed following and the problem I have is with the VM Templates. Dont know why, but not all parameters are setted correctly. For example, disk space and RAM are 2 of them (Maybe the most important ones).
    The pre-created template, called "small" comes with 10GB Disk Space and 256/512 RAM (guaranteed/burst) but when I create a VM its comes with 2GB DiskSpace and 8Gb RAM.
    Settings like CPU units, CPU number and CPU limit % are setted correctly.
    I've checked the and the only reference to the configuration is:
    //* Write the configuration of the VM
    file_put_contents('/etc/vz/conf/'.$veid.'.conf', $data['new']['config']);

    But I cant find (Im not really a programmer) how it writes configuration. I saw in the mysql the 2 templates I already have, but there is no sql query or something similar.
    Any help on this will be really appreciated.

  2. TheGreatDoc

    TheGreatDoc New Member

    No one have done this before and is having the same problem?
    Also, the backup system of ISPConfig only takes care of webs. Is there any way to do VM backups too?
    Thanks in advance!
  3. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  4. TheGreatDoc

    TheGreatDoc New Member

    Hi Florian,
    Thanks for you answer, but I think you misunderstood my problem.
    OpenVZ is working correctly, the problem is when I want to manage the VEs from ISPConfig.
    Creating - Deleting from ISPConfig works, but RAM and diskspace dont (from the VM Templates in ISPConfig)
    If I create the VE from ISPConfig, it works but doesnt matter what RAM or Disk I set up in the template, the VE will always have 8Gb RAM and 2Gb diskspace, whatever you have setted up in the template.
  5. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I can manage the container with ispconfig and did not see your problems on my installation. Maybe you´re missing a link.
  6. TheGreatDoc

    TheGreatDoc New Member

    Im sure I did everything. Can you please provide a screenshoot of one of your vm templates? Of both tabs, Template and Advanced.
    Thank you in advance!
  7. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I did not change any template in ispconfig. I use "small"....
    ISPConfigs saves the configs in /etc/vz/conf/ and conf is symlink to /etc/sysconfig/vz-scripts
    01.jpg 02.jpg
  8. TheGreatDoc

    TheGreatDoc New Member

    And when you create the VM, it comes with 256 RAM and 10G HD?
    In mines, /etc/vz/conf is not a symlink to anywhere. Is the directory. It creates the VEID.conf file, and, as I said, lot of parameters are well written, but at least RAM and HD are not.
  9. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Yes, the virtual servers runs afterwards with the correct settings. I´ve never seen such an error before - on differents servers.

    Are you sure, that /etc/vz/conf/VEID.conf really changed?
  10. TheGreatDoc

    TheGreatDoc New Member

    Yes. If I change the number of cores or cpu units it changes without any problem.
    Im running with debug and no errors happens on the logfile.
  11. TheGreatDoc

    TheGreatDoc New Member

    Could it be, by any chance, that I have installed ISPConfig BEFORE install OpenVZ?
  12. TheGreatDoc

    TheGreatDoc New Member

    Ignore last message, I did not install ISPConfig before OpenVZ, so still cant find where the problem is and why the VM Templates is not working on my system.
    What can I do now?

    Thanks in advance,

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