ISPconfig3 on debian containers in Proxmox

Discussion in 'General' started by Ignacio Garcia, Apr 4, 2023.

  1. Hello everybody

    Currently I have a couple of servers in a multi-server installation (1 server contains web, email services and primary dns zones, and the second contains email services and secondary dns zones). For several reasons, I'm planning to have 1 master server for ispconfig and not much more, and slaves (2 servers for web services, 2 servers for email services, and 2 services for dns services). We're considering having those 7 servers in 2 proxmox servers with privileged containers (we cannot use unprivileged containers because of lacking quota support).

    Does anybody has experience with this scenario? If yes, can you share your experiences with this?


  2. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Linux containers are not quite suitable for ISPConfig, compared to VM. You might face issues like quota for web servers if that is your choice.
    Ignacio Garcia likes this.
  3. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I have used Proxmox but only virtual machines for ISPConfig hosts. My opinion is virtual machines are less problems for ISPConfig compared to containers. On the other hand, there are ISPConfig users who run their hosts in containers, so that does work.
    Ignacio Garcia likes this.
  4. Thank you all. It is true that using containers is a risky bet since as you mention I will have problems with quota unless I use a privileged CT AND the pool has an ext4 fs, something I was willing to consider in this case as I would be doing backups constantly.

    OTOH, as you all mention, a VM would be the easy approach, but a performance loss will occur, and that's why I was considering CTs.

    Thanks so much for your insights.



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