ISPConfig3 Quota/Traffic Notification Emails

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Chad Mowery, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. Chad Mowery

    Chad Mowery New Member

    Hey guys,

    Can someone help me to test the quota/traffic notification emails? Is there a way I can test to ensure they are sending? I suspect they are not.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The traffic gets checked once at night. If you want t check it, produce traffic on a site that exceeds the quota and wait until next day.
  3. Chad Mowery

    Chad Mowery New Member

    Yeah... Was hoping there was a better way. Guess I'll have to do that.
  4. Chad Mowery

    Chad Mowery New Member

    Do you know which job checks that? Could I run it manually?
  5. Chad Mowery

    Chad Mowery New Member

    So I tested this. The website was disabled this morning as it should have been when I lowered the quota. No email... What can I check to resolve this?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Do you have a admin email address etc. set under System > Interface config? This address is used as sender for system warnings, if it is not set then the system can not send the emails.
  7. Chad Mowery

    Chad Mowery New Member

    Yes I do have "Administrator's e-mail" set. Still not working however.

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