Hi Community, I kindly ask for your help on how to set up properly a reverse proxy in ispconfig 3.2.9 because it's getting to drive me crazy... I want to install a new webserver with ISPConfig3. Unfortunately, I have to maintain some old web applications and websites (PHP 5.3) I don't want to host on the new webserver (for security reasons). Previously I solved this question with an Nginx reverse proxy. I had a web server running with Nginx, set up the virtual hosts and everything worked. I installed the ISPConfig, everything looks ok, the new websites are hosted on the new webserver, and certificates are generated, but can not find how to set up the ISPConfig properly, to be able to proxy those old websites to a different server. Let's say ISPConfig server is "Server A" the other one is "Server B". Server A terminates the traffic on the public IP address, but it also has a private address as well. Server B is hosting the old websites, and it has a private IP address. All I would like to achieve is if someone hits an old website's domain (oldwebsite.com) the requests will be ended at Server A's public IP address, but it should forward (proxy) to Server B, and Server B could take care of the requests. Since the old websites are not changed frequently, I don't mind if I can not solve this question via ISPConfig UI, but somehow I should be able to tell apache2 to please proxy .... What I have tried so far: - register the domain in ISPConfig 3 UI - At "Web Domain: Redirect" tab I chose Redirect Type: Proxy, and set the Redirect Path with HTTP://serverbipaddress:80 What do I miss here? Any help would be highly appreciated.
This adds a proxy, so which problem do you have with that? If you have multiple sites on the same IP on the target system, you probably want to proxy to the domain of the target website and not the server IP and take care that the ISPConfig system is able to resolve them e.g. by adding them to the /etc/hosts file on the ISPConfig server. Beside using the proxy function in ISPConfig, you can do it in the exact same way that you used before. That's what the Nginx directives field of the website in ISPConfig is made for (if you used nginx), just put the proxy config directives you want to use in there.