ISPConfig3 server | Import MySQL-database for ssh-users

Discussion in 'General' started by Hans, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Hi Till,
    Most of my clients are using phpMyAdmin to import their mysqldump.sql file.
    Now, i wonder if it is possible for clients to import a mysql dump file manualy by using a client ssh-user account, which is created in ISPConfig3,
    because until now we're not succesful.

    Executing the following command by using the client SSH-user account gives an "Permission denied" error:

    mysql -h localhost -u MYSQLusername -p[password] MYSQLdatabase < mysqldump.sql

    Note: The MySQL database has been created in ISPConfig3 and the MySQLdatabasename, MySQL username and password are correct.

    Do i need to configure something else which makes the import of mysqldump files possible?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) Is this a jailed ssh user?
    2) What is the exact permission denied message?
    3) Please try this mysql command:

    mysql -u MYSQLusername -p
  3. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Hi Till,

    1) Jailkit has been installed on the server, but for the checkbox " Chroot Shell " is not enabled for the ssh-user.

    2) The exact error message is: ERROR 1044 (42000) at line 1: Access denied for user 'c61typo3test'@'localhost' to database 'cid291'

    3) I will ask my client to use this command instead: mysql -u MYSQLusername -p
    I hope the client will be succesful then, i'll let you know.

    What do you think about the error message?
  4. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Hi Till,
    We got it working now. The client made a typo.

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