Hi all, in Baltic states we have serious problem with Squirrel webmail encoding, so i want to migrate to Roundcube, we used it before without any problems. I installed server using this tutorial: https://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-...2-php-mysql-pureftpd-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-3 First i want install additional Roudcube webmail, then after testing i will remove Squirrelmail. so, my questions: 1. I can just install Roudcube as here? https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial...pureftpd-bind-postfix-doveot-and-ispconfig/3/ 2. How i can completely remove Squirrealmail from my system?
Roundcube setup should work, I used https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/roundcube-installation-on-debian-8-jessie/ just don't get too greedy in the end of setting up, there's a config where you need to enter the remote user ... just make sure you also change ISPConfig URL from http to https =) And getting rid of squirrel should be easy, put some nuts on your neighbours server or reverse the steps you did to install like apt-get --purge remove squirrelmail check for leftover /etc/apache2/conf-available/squirrelmail.conf and delete it, maybe /var/lib/squirrelmail/tmp, too
maybe i shoud install to /usr/share/roundcube instead /opt/roundcube ? Just checked. /opt now is absolutely empty, and squirrelmail was installed to /usr/share as well.
doesn't matter much, but if you don't use package manager to install software either use /opt or /usr/local
usage in roundcube depends on quota support in your imap server (dovecot). make sure that's setup, and also that the user does have a quota assigned (unlimited quota also shows as 0% used).
Now i'm trying to install ISPConfig RoundCube plugin as here https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/roundcube-installation-on-debian-8-jessie/ here is my first pause: "Open the /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini file nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini" should i open php5/cgi or php5/apache2 ? and anyway , both files do not contain [openssl] section...
First of all, you should the php.ini in use, if you run PHP by fcgi you should probably check the php.ini in cgi folder, fpm in fpm folder and mod_php apache2 folder. I don't know ubuntus php-config, maybe it's split up like /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/20-openssl.ini You should have it somewhere, if not, try adding it
does the following command echo openssl? if so, just try adding that section somewhere in conf.d folder as seperate .ini or directly to the php.ini Code: # php -m | grep openssl openssl I bet it does and should just work.
Noooo $echo something will always work Code: # lists available/installed php modules $php -m the | grep openssl just discard all output lines except it says "openssl" in it. So if your output of "php -m | grep openssl" gives you "openssl" in a newline, you have openssl in your php version and thus can just add the segment and configuration as described in the howto with no problem. Just add your own [openssl] segment.
Ok, almost Don't put the # before the command jsut execute Code: php -m | grep openssl entering openssl in the console will open openssl cli. Having openssl installed doesn't usually mean it's available in other software.