ISPConfig3 - Spam handling - rspamd

Discussion in 'General' started by RayMatrix, Nov 23, 2021.

  1. RayMatrix

    RayMatrix New Member

    Hi there,

    under Email => Spamfilter => Policy => rspamd => SPAM tag method you can either rewrite the subject or set the header entry.
    In the rules file of the respective mailbox under /etc/rspamd/local.d/users either:

    "rewrite subject" = 4.5;
    "add header" = null;


    "rewrite subject" = null;
    "add header" = 4.5;


    The question arises because when choosing Rewrite subject the user has to create a rule in the admin panel or his email program in order to move emails with SPAM in the subject.

    If you select add header, the Sieve rule, which can be stored via the admin panel, takes effect and emails with the corresponding X-Spam flag or status are automatically moved, but the subject is not changed.

    Is it wanted like that?
  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    There is a checkbox in each mailbox which controls whether mail is filed into the junk folder or not, it works whether you use header munging or adding a header.

    Rewriting subjects is an old technique that generally shouldn't be used anymore because it breaks dkim signatures.

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