ispconfig_filter roundcube plugin

Discussion in 'Plugins/Modules/Addons' started by ychaouche, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. ychaouche

    ychaouche New Member

    Hello !
    Roundcube has no plugin to allow the management of maildrop filters. The only plugin I found is the one that comes with ISPConfig. I am maintaining an old mail server with ISPConfig installed and ispconfig_filter and would like to know if there's a standalone version of that plugin that could work without the whole ispconfig installation ?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I guess you mix up a few things here. ispconfig does not ship with a roundcube plugin and never did. There is a roundcube plugin available at github to use with a ispconfig server though:

    This plugin uses the ispconfig api, so if you refer to this third part plugin, then this cant be used without ispconfig being installed on the target mail server.
  3. ychaouche

    ychaouche New Member

    Thanks for the prompt reply. Indeed it seems the plugins are making soap calls to the ISPConfig API.

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