So I already know that I should just leave it alone, but I wanted to change the prefix to my server > Well I changed it in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname, and after changing it and restarting everything seems to be working fine... except when I check with "netstat -alnp |grep -w LISTEN" it shows all's where my external static IP used to be (next to the open port). When I added a new listening port my IP pops back up on the new one, but still not on the old ones, which makes me think I missed a hostname somewhere or something to that effect. I followed the Perfect Server with ISPconfig 3 and courier guide so I have Bind9 and ISPconfig 3 and so on... oh, and there were a few errors with IPtables so I flushed that with iptables -F (this was after the problem occurred) Any ideas on what the issue is? I have tried searching for an answer, for an hour or two, but I don't really know what I am looking for or how to say it...
I changed it in ispconfig (although I read that that is more for the internal processes or something) but I couldn't find it in apache or postfix or any files for bind besides the zone file used by ispconfig... and any others than that and I don't know where to check. All that I have read all they ever say is to change it in the hostname and hosts files. I'm sure it is probably something stupid I am overlooking whether it be a mysql file, apache file or something that is staring me in the face I guess it could also be that I go to a file that is missing the server entry and I'm not familiar enough with the file to know that it should be there.
in mailname it's just my domain without the prefix /etc/postfix/ seems to link to a lot of mysql stuff but here it is
Can you run Code: postconf -e 'myorigin =' postconf -e 'myhostname =' ? Replace with your new hostname and restart Postfix.
Nope, nothing changed, but here is the results from netstat (minus the ports obviously, and pid to make it fit) But as you can see named is listed correctly from me re-enabling dns listening to any for bind. tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____mysqld tcp........0____0_192.168.5.1____0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____smbd tcp........0____0_127.0.0.1______0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____smbd tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____apache2 tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____rpc.mountd tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____couriertcpd tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____couriertcpd tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____portmap tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____apache2 tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____apache2 tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____rpc.statd tcp........0____0_63.225.43.65___0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____named tcp........0____0_127.0.0.1______0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____dnsmasq tcp........0____0_192.168.5.1____0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____dnsmasq tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____pure-ftpd (SER tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____apache2 tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____master tcp........0____0_127.0.0.1______0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____named tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____apache2 tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____- tcp........0____0_192.168.5.1____0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____smbd tcp........0____0_127.0.0.1______0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____smbd tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____sshd tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____perl tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____couriertcpd tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____- tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____couriertcpd tcp........0____0_0.0.0.0________0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____xinetd tcp........0____0_127.0.0.1______0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____amavisd tcp........0____0_127.0.0.1______0.0.0.0:*____LISTEN____master