Issue with adding new website / URL

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by TheRob, Mar 20, 2020.

  1. TheRob

    TheRob New Member


    On a fresh install of Debian 10, lastest version of ISPConfig / Apache2.
    I started to migrate some of my websites from an older serveur.
    Changing DNS first, adding the dedidacted user and adding the website in ISPConfig.
    First time I had an issue, the migrated URL pointed to an another website files and with a SSL certificate issued for a 3rd one !! I thought I was mental. I felt back and this site is back to my older server.
    After this adventure, It worked fine for 2 websites. But now, and I can't understand why, every single URL are pointing on the same website. This is crazy to me. I checked out the apache vhost files and they seem good.
    Can you, please, help me out ?
    Thanks !
  2. TheRob

    TheRob New Member

    and sometimes, it changes to an another website ... I don't have a clue why ...
  3. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    kwickcut and TheRob like this.
  4. TheRob

    TheRob New Member

    It does not help me much, unfortunately ... :(
    The related post you mentioned is quite old and this is not the same problem : FQDN are completly different (not some sub-domain) and the website of all users are pointing to one and only website. Now I have the SSL certificate related to the website displayed .. So my real main issue, is why I have the file of one website, whatever the URL I try to get ...
    However, Thanks to your help I understood an other issue with LE. Thanks !
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2020
  5. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  6. TheRob

    TheRob New Member

    Man ! Thanks so much ... That was the mess with IP and '*' !
    Well for know it seems to work again :)

    Thanks a lot !

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