Hi all, After reading and doing all the Perfect Setup Fedora Core 4, and the ISPConfig Installation Instructions I can now login to the ISPConfig interface on port 81. However.. I can not get Apache (httpd) to start anymore.. Looking at the '/var/log/httpd/error.log' it is showing me this: (13)Permission denied: httpd: could not open error log file /home/www/web1/log/error.log. Unable to open logs The directory is there, but the error.log file not! Anyone here who might know what is set wrong? Thank you...
Strange... I suggest that you create the error log manually (and check later for other web sites if the error still occurs...): Code: touch /home/www/web1/log/error.log chmod 644 /home/www/web1/log/error.log Then chown it: Code: chown web1_<admin>:web1 /home/www/web1/log/error.log and restart Apache afterwards.
Have you enabled the Fedora Security extensions or set an higher security level sa suggested in the howto? For me it looks like SE Linux or a similar extension is enabled.
till, could you please quote/show the part about this in the howto? I've done a clean install of Fedora and ISPConfig, but I'm still having problems starting httpd (service httpd start).. It's giving me a 'failed' Problem now is (taken from /var/log/httpd/error_log) The only info I can find about this is: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=201 I'm new to SELinux... How do I disabled it? Thank you for any help!
Me an idiot.. Yes.. for sure I did not do that :-/ Thank you for pointing it out ... Trying to fix the error now..
Got it al up and running.. The problem was the Fedora Security extensions... Thanks for pointing it out to me
Turn off the security ? Why ? Doesn't it work ? I certainly didn't turn off the SElinux stuff - my aim is to configure a secure web server, so I assumed I wanted at least default security (and SELinux is on by default). I read the 'Perfect Setup' document, but it didn't explain why I should disable security, and I didn't want to, so I assumed (perhaps wrongly) that document wasn't for me. Can anyone explain, or offer some guidance on the best way to set up a bombproof LAMP environment. Thanks Chris
SELinux is on in Fedora, but not in other linux distributions. This does not mean that they are less ecure. SELinux makes some assumptions for a linux system that prevents ISPConfig on running. If you want to have a really secure webserver i recommend not to install PHP or perl or any other scripting language for webpages as most hacks currently are done trough unsecure scripts. Then do not install any management software except an SSH server on a non common port and remove all compilers from your system.
OK. I've never heard of ISPConfig - is it something I really want ? You forgot to mention not plugging it into the internet, or indeed any other network! But I do need to do deliver services to customers ... I appreciate there are risks with scripts, but they are manageable with care, particularly in later versions of PHP (not yet familiar with perl). Anyone know of a decent basic shopping cart that doesn't insist on downgrading PHP to insecure behaviour ? (free or reasonably priced) Thanks Chris
It's a control panel for web servers, like cPanel or Plesk, but it's free. If you want your users to be able to manage their email addresses themselves instead of calling you and having you do the changes manually or don't have the time to create every new vhost/database/email address/... manually on the command line, then ISPConfig is for you. http://www.ispconfig.org/