Has anyone moved from a fedora ensim config to a ispconfig on debian.. I am curious where I should have my $mosConfig_cachepath = I use to have with ensim setup on fedora.. in my configuration.php $mosConfig_absolute_path = '/home/virtual/site2/fst/var/www/html'; $mosConfig_cachepath = '/home/virtual/site2/fst/var/www/html/cache'; I have figured out absolute path thats easy but what is the CAchepath ?? $mosConfig_absolute_path = '/home/www/web2/web'; $mosConfig_allowUserRegistration = '0'; $mosConfig_back_button = '0'; $mosConfig_cachepath = '/home/virtual/site2/fst/var/www/html/cache'; <--what do I put here? (note thats from the fedora ensim server I was on!!)
I guess it is: /home/www/web2/web/cache Please check that the directory exists and thet the apache user has write permissions to this directory. Or you chmod the directory to 777