Joomla on ispconfig --Moving

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by ubutux, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. ubutux

    ubutux New Member

    I am moving a couple of websites to a new server ,just having some trouble getting it to connect to the new database.The new server runs etch and ispconfig 2.2.19 and the new database is on a different server which all setup fine when installing ispconfig ,so any new databases that are created are setup on the new server without issue.Using phpmyadmin i did a dump of the current website database and then imported it to the newly created db for the website on the new mysql server.I get the maintence screen and could not connect to the database server.When i copy the website to the new server I obviously need to enter the details for the new mysql server ,I have altered the configuration.php to reflect the new website settings.What other files do i need to update for the database etc .Thanks
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you log in to MySQL on the shell?
    mysql -u [I]joomlausername[/I] -p
    What's the output of
    netstat -tap
  3. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    It is possible that the MySQL database name, MySQL username and/or MySQL password is different on the new server. PLease check those and compare it with the ones within the Joomla configuration file.
  4. Leszek

    Leszek Member

    Which Joomla version do You mean ? In 1.0.x the only file that holds MySQL settings is configuration.php.This means the default installation.
  5. ubutux

    ubutux New Member

    Thanks for the responses
    falko i can log into mysql using the name and password for the joomla user .When I return home i will post the output of netstat -tap what should i be looking for in that output?
    hans i have adjusted the user name etc to be the same ,the database was a different name but i dumped info from the old db then imported into the newly created database and set the configuration.php to reflect the changes
    leszek this site uses joomla 1.0.12 and I have adjusted all settings in configuration.php to point to the new db ,is there a file in the joomla install that states the ip address of the mysql server ?as the old ispconfig install used a different mysql server ,I may need to change this to fix the problem?
    once again thanks for your help
  6. Leszek

    Leszek Member

    The server's address is also in configuration.php.
    Look for the line with $mosConfig_host = '(old_server's_address)';
  7. ubutux

    ubutux New Member

    Thanks leszec $mosConfig_host = '(old_server's_address)';this is set to localhost which is correct for ispconfig ,the mysql server has a different ip .I have set up isponfig on the new server with the mysql server having a different ip ,i can set up domains,sites etc which utilize the new mysql server no problem it is all working fine .I have tried now to import the data from the old database to the new one ,which i did manually and it all uploaded without error,then changed the configuration.php file . Maybe its a permisions problem ?? i can manually connect to the databse using the username and passwrd set for that there a procedure i need to follow when copying database's ?Thanks for your time.
  8. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

  9. ubutux

    ubutux New Member

    Thanks Hans i followed the joomla on ispconfig howto on a number of occasions and i will utilize the suphp howto on the new server .just have to work out this transfering of a site issue im having.cheers
  10. ubutux

    ubutux New Member

    the original ispconfig server is running dapper with mysql 5.0.22 the new ispconfig server is running etch and the seperate mysql server is running etch and mysql version is 5.0.32 can this be a problem if dumping a database from one to the other ?cheers
  11. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    I did not have any problems with such actions (yet). I would say: give it a try. :)

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