Keep Samba 4 AD/LDAP users in sync with ISPConfig mail users

Discussion in 'General' started by Sven Nielsen, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. Sven Nielsen

    Sven Nielsen New Member

    Hi everyone,
    What would be the best way to synchronize ISPConfig mail users with Samba 4 users (user entries in Samba's AD/LDAP Directory)?

    Use case: I am steadily making progress in setting up a well-functioning groupware system using ISPConfig + Sogo with Samba AD authentication.
    Reason I have to use Samba AD authentication for Sogo is that I am planning to experiment with Sogo's Openchange component, which needs the Samba AD.
    So, is it possible to hook up a shell script with ISPConfig that fires upon user create/delete/modify/password_change? Would user parameters (password + email) be available for such a shell script? Or, do I need to implement this in php (which I would have to learn how to do first)?

    If a shell/php script hook is possible, what would be the entry for hooking up that script so it fires together with ISPConfig's minutely update hook?

    If I will succeed in creating a hook, I will gladly share it here!

    Kind regards
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You could e.g. write a small plugin that attacks itself to the server side insert and update events in ispconfig. the problem is that the server side gets the password encrypted for security reasons. An alternative would be to write an interface plugin that connects to insert and update events, an interface plugin is able to read the password before it gets encrypted and then connect by ldap to your other server to sync the password.

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