Keyboard Problem while installaing Ubuntu

Discussion in 'Technical' started by tristantroy, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. tristantroy

    tristantroy New Member

    I try to install ubuntu, i can use the keyboard when i access the cmos but after the ubuntu starts the keyboard stucks...Any Help?
  2. normanp

    normanp New Member

    Do you have a USB keyboard? If so in the BIOS setup you need to tell the BIOS to look after the keyboard itself. You will need to search through the BIOS setup screens to find this.
  3. tristantroy

    tristantroy New Member

    I'm using PS2 Keyboard, the Version of Ubuntu is 5.10. Is there any other option to proceed or do i need to use USB Keyboard....
  4. normanp

    normanp New Member

    Stay with your PS/2 keyboard - should be no trouble.
    Sorry - can't help with your problem.
    You could try the later version of Ubuntu (7.10) and download the text-only installer version.
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you try to install Ubuntu Desktop or Ubuntu Server? The server kernel is a bit special - it's very optimized and doesn't support lots of hardware.
  6. tristantroy

    tristantroy New Member

    Thanks Falko, I check my installed RAM and found out that it's only 128 mb, i change it to 512 and it's working now, by the way i'm installing Ubuntu Server. :) :)

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