LAMP looked perfect, but now my X-server's 'gone'!

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by blesbok, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. blesbok

    blesbok New Member

    After following the instructions for ISP Config and Fedora LAMP

    installation as kindly given at HowToForge, i found my box failing to

    boot up; so i thought.:eek:

    Have here Fedora 8 (32bit) on 2.8GHz, 80GB box, 512MB RAM. The boot

    progress bar completed, after which i expected my KDE desktop to load.

    The blue screen became a black screen with the pointer having a

    rotating halo around it. This rotation would probably have continued

    ad infinitum.

    Pressing CTRL-ALT F1 gave me a text mode login. The command startx, as

    root gave the following output:

    x auth: creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.3049
    Fatal server error:
    Server is already active for display
    If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.XO-lock and start again.
    Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keygiving up.
    xinit: Resource temporarily unavailable (errno 11): unable to connect

    to server
    xinit: No such process (errno 3): server error

    On viewing the processes, running chkconfig --list | less, most that i

    expected to, seemed to be running on runlevel 5 but proftpd wasn't.

    (Really don't have a clue whether it should be!)

    This clueless soul will appreciate any help to remedy this predicament. :confused:

    Am truely stuck without a GUI.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please remove the line /SENDMAIL/ANY/SHELL from /etc/shells. You might have to reboot the system afterwards.
  3. blesbok

    blesbok New Member


    Wunderbar Falko, it works! Thank you again.

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