LAMP Server for vBulletin

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by Belicoso_Fino, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. Belicoso_Fino

    Belicoso_Fino New Member

    I am a vBulletin site owner who currently runs WinSvr2003. I am trying to learn enough to run my forum from a Linux platform.

    I am an OLD BSD Unix guy...back in the day. Linux is a far cry from BSD unix so I am reliant on other people's experiences and trials and successes.

    Anyway, that would make an excellent HOWTO.


  2. zcworld

    zcworld New Member

    there is an good howto on fedora core ver 6
    for an LAMP or Ubuntu
    play with them
    that are nice and easy
    the Ubuntu LAMP is more of a out of the box apache / mysql / php server
    with the fedora is a mix of a desktop / server
    but i started on the desktop with the full blown AMP in the backend of the OS

    if you pick the Ubuntu
    make sure you install the SSH (openssh-server i believe the package is called) on the box to be able to use ssh
    or you going to a mess of a time

    what is the PWS appz you using on the w2k3 box for the web server
    IIS ver 6 or apache ?
  3. Belicoso_Fino

    Belicoso_Fino New Member

    I use IIS6 on the WIn2003k box.

    I'm getting tired of Windows and Microsoft. It's time I get back to my roots.

    I appreciate the pointer to Ubuntu, I'll have to figure out what it is...:)

    Cheers mate.
  4. zcworld

    zcworld New Member

    off topic here
    thats IIS with PHP

    is't that a tab slow on page loading or its not that slow now days
    last time i try PHP on IIS or IIS with php
    it was slower than apache / php on windows
    but maybe thats was just me

    anyway :) have fun with Ubuntu
    ( i play with both i would : the desktop to get the hand of the linux and stuff
    but you can install the apache / mysql / php onto that as well )

    but once you got the hang of the commands than jump over to the command only ver is the LAMP ver of it :) and happy going
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think this should get you started:

    * CentOS 4.3:
    * CentOS 4.4:
    * Debian Woody (3.0):
    * Debian Sarge (3.1):
    * Debian Sarge (3.1) on a Strato Server:
    * Fedora Core 3:
    * Fedora Core 4:
    * Fedora Core 5:
    * Fedora Core 6:
    * Mandrake/Mandriva 10.2:
    * Mandriva 2006 Free:
    * Mandriva 2007 Free:
    * SuSE 9.2:
    * SuSE 9.3:
    * SuSE 10.0:
    * SuSE 10.1:
    * OpenSuSE 10.2:
    * Ubuntu 5.04:
    * Ubuntu 5.10:
    * Ubuntu 6.06:
    * Ubuntu 6.10:

    You don't need to install ISPConfig if you don't want to.

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