Large amount of mails from PHP

Discussion in 'General' started by Thomas Jensen, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Thomas Jensen

    Thomas Jensen New Member


    One of my customers has to send a large amount of emails to his users, (more than 50.000), and of course, we want to do this the best and fastest way. We've tried using the standard PHP mail function, but the execution time seems to kill it and it takes years before all mails are sent.
    Does anyone have some good/bad experience to share?

    Last edited: Sep 24, 2009
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I've made the following experience with our newsletter: if you send out emails as fast as possible, Yahoo will accept the first few emails, but then block all following emails because they think it's spam. We're now pausing for one second between each email, and now Yahoo accepts them. So it's not always good to send out emails as fast as possible.
  3. Thomas Jensen

    Thomas Jensen New Member

    Okay.. The problem is that all mails from any other customer on the server is queued for more than four hours..

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