Hello Since a few days after a switch on a new server, all Let's Encrypt certs for aliases are wrong. website1.net has 10 aliases to website-alias-1.net -> website1.net website-alias-2.net -> website1.net website-alias-3.net -> website1.net ... for each website-alias-*.net, the following aliases: blog.website-alias-1.net -> website2.net blog.website-alias-2.net -> website2.net blog.website-alias-3.net -> website2.net ... Redirect type: none Auto-subdomain: none When I go to blog.website-alias-1.net blog.website-alias-2.net blog.website-alias-3.net ... All blog.* webistes are linked to website1.net domain certs (website-alias-1.net, website-alias-2.net, website-alias-1.net... ) and redirect to website1.net, not website2.net and blog.website-alias-*.net and there is a mismatch between domain and certs. For website1.net auto-subdomain is on : .* For website2.net auto-subdomain is on : .* Website1 and website2 have DNS zones In Let's Encrypt DNS CAA Record "Use Wildcard SSL" is enabled
If you want to use aliases for a site with SSL, ensure that you added them as alias domains for that website in ISPConfig. When sites show the wrong website content when using SSL, then this typically means that the site has no SSL which will redirect SSL traffic for the alias domains to a different site instead.
Domain: website-alias-1.net Parent Website: website1.net Redirect Type: No redirect Redirect Path: empty Auto-Subdomain: * SEO Redirect: No redirect Don't add to Let's Encrypt certificate: unchecked Active: checked All aliases was added in "Aliasdomain for websites" ex : Domain: blog.website-alias-1.net Parent Website: website2.net Redirect Type: No redirect Redirect Path: empty Auto-Subdomain: None SEO Redirect: No redirect Don't add to Let's Encrypt certificate: unchecked Active: checked
See https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/lets-encrypt-error-faq.74179/ for troubleshooting why the expected certificates weren't created.