Letsencrypt does not work properly

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by zyzzza, Dec 27, 2023.

  1. zyzzza

    zyzzza Member

    have old server Ubuntu 18 with latest ispconfg , and all packages updated. on domain, which was there since 2018 cannot get SSL . Server was moved from another physical server some time ago , letsencrypt configs folder was moved as well . Now i see in letsencrypt logs theres errors related rto domains which are disabled in control panel, and have no letsencryt enabled in control panel. SO i assume configs are stuck and are not cleaned from non existant domains, and new domains are not generating ssl as well.
    Resync didnt help in any way, so my question is :

    is there any fast way i can reinstall/ cleanup letsencrypt , and reissue all enabled domains only dropping nonexisting/disabled ?

  2. zyzzza

    zyzzza Member

    OK, reinstalleed certbot and letsencrypt with apt rmeove/ install
    moved whole directory /etc/letsencrypt to bakcup location
    kept only /live , /archive and /renewal (also removed all old domains )
    made couple or resync form ispconfg
    things seems to be working :)
    Th0m likes this.

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