HI I have created Aliasdomain like sub1.domain.com (working fine), then I created a website (not Aliasdomain) and enabled LetsEncrypt for 2nd level sub-domain sub2.sub1.domain.com but it is not working. SSL checkbox always empty after I checked and saved. no error in logs. How to fix this? thanks
Please follow the letäs encrypt FAQ until the end and post the debug output if you did not find the reason for the issue in the earlier steps of the faq: https://forum.howtoforge.com/threads/lets-encrypt-error-faq.74179/ And it might just be that LE is not issuing such certs, so you might check on LE homepage as well.
I found this post, but not fully understand. it seems I need wildcards for this use case? Ispconfig supports it? https://serverfault.com/questions/1011291/letsencrypt-certificate-for-nested-wildcard-subdomain
ISPConfig uses domain-based authentication for Let's encrypt and wildcard domains are not available with domain-based auth. For wildcard SSL, you need DNS-based authentication. DNS-based authentication for LE is not implemented in ISPConfig, but if I remember correctly, some users configured that manually, there should be posts on that topic here in the forum.