Hello, I use Ispconfig 3.1.4 on a root server with Ubuntu 16.04.2 Now my problem I have with ispconfig the hook set with Letsencrypt but the certificate works only for wwwexamplecom and not for examplecom! Someone a notion why it does not work as I do it for www and without www? sry for my bad english MfG K Town Mods
1) ensure that you entered "example.com" in the domain field of the website. 2) auto subdomain must be set to 'www'. 3) example.com and www.example.com must point with DNS A-Records (or a dns A and a cname record) to your server.
hey i have dns a records for www and * for my domain and i entered example dot com and autosubdomain to www but the cert is only for www dot example dot com i dont can upload images here so i dont can show you my config my english is not the best xD better in germany