Limit access to website to site users

Discussion in 'General' started by pjdevries, Jun 23, 2007.

  1. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    Is there an easy way to limit access to a website to site users?
  2. mlz

    mlz Member

    .htaccess is your friend. :) You can setup allow deny, basic authentication, etc with an .htaccess file.
  3. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    Thanks for the reply. I know about .htaccess and htpasswd. But I was wondering if I missed some nifty feature of ISPConfig that could make such a thing a little bit easier. It would be nice if you could limit access to ISPConfig defined site users from within ISPConfig itself and not having to do that manually.
  4. mlz

    mlz Member

    Hmm, you probably could add the .htaccess to the site templates, then you just have to hack one of the ISPConfig files to create the password file part, or for that matter, point it to the .htpasswd in the sites root directory. (i.e. AuthUserFile /var/www/web1/.htpasswd) Look at the way the stats is setup, and copy that.
  5. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    I'll definitly have a look. I'm quite a beginner though and and I'm still not comfortable with ISPConfig yet to start looking at and modifying templates. I'm not even sure which templates you mean :) I also prefer not to hack the sources. Once you start doing that, it will haunt you with every ISPConfig update.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Or you copy the .htaccess file from the /stats directory of the website to the website root directory (web).
  7. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    That certainly is an easy way to do it.
  8. mlz

    mlz Member

    I gotta learn to quit answering posts when I'm too tired. Thanks for the DUH moment Till. :D
  9. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    No matter what, your help is very much appreciated ;)

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