Linux Embedded Print Server

Discussion in 'Technical' started by o0ponyboy0o, Sep 5, 2007.

  1. o0ponyboy0o

    o0ponyboy0o New Member

    I have a very strange question, has any one every heard of a Linux alternative to a JetDirect box. I have a large number of USB printer that I will need to network in the near future.

    Loaded on a small unit like a Compaq Evo T20 or a Wyse S10 WinTerminal? Something small like the JetDirect box with USB connections.

    Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. technocp

    technocp New Member

    did you manage to do it

    I am very much interested in knowing how is that done. can you please share your experiences and have you reached your goal
  3. i-chat

    i-chat New Member

    look for p910nd google will explain more, it works like charm, i ran it for ages...

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