Linux Proxy --> Web filtering?

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by chenzhen, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. chenzhen

    chenzhen New Member

    We are using Websense, main purpose is to control web traffic and block people to download large files. But it's too expensive, we are thinking about alternatives, we only need to block some significant sites like drag, adult, etc, no need to advance, and limit people to download large files, any other choices for me? I just wonder if I bulid a Linux proxy would do what I need? Thanks!!
  2. drks

    drks New Member HowtoForge Supporter

  3. chenzhen

    chenzhen New Member

    But will it update the "black" web site to its database or any categories like what Websense have? I dont need those advance like Websense but I hope I can get similar things from it. thanks
  4. drks

    drks New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I am sorry.... but I don't exactly follow what you mean. Can you maybe provide some more information of what you are trying to do?
  5. chenzhen

    chenzhen New Member

    No problem, let me explain what Websense / Surfcontrol did:
    Websense have divided websites intro many category, for eg, will be inside ADULT category,
    in Windows AD, we can assign HR DEPT not able to see ADULT, GAMBLING but only can see HR related sites, so whenever they open ADULT sites, a blocking msg will be displayed instead. We can recategory website to another category also.

    Therefore, the category database should be updated frequently as the number of web site change over time.

    In Websense, it can block protocol based traffic too like IM.

    So I wonder if Linux's web filter solution works similar or as least can do what we want--block some pre-defined bad web sites, and we can define what web site is good or bad
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think this tutorial is interesting for you:

    eBox comes with a web interface that allows you to sepcify finetuned filter rules for the Squid web proxy.
  7. maroonworks

    maroonworks New Member

    falko! I tried the ebox system and it's really an amazing system, but I want to view more statistics about SQUID... how to monitor the cache ratio hits on squid for example...

    thank you for all your support


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