Linux servers stability

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Leszek, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. Leszek

    Leszek Member

    I'm interested in what server systems do You use (Debian Linux,Free BSD etc.),how (apache2,samba,proftp etc.),how do You run them (own server hardware,dedicated - general parameters etc.) and what's most important - how do Your systems work.
    Practical opinions are very important.
  2. Jorem

    Jorem Member

    CentOS 4.4 X86_64
    ISPConfig :)
    (Installed using the Perfect Setup guide)

    I like CentOS a lot and it runs great. I do not run a lot so the server is allways fast. After the Perfect Setup guide I installed a few extra things like php5 and MySQL5. But for the rest my system is standard.

    Althought there is a control panel I still use Webmin a lot. Just like it to control things that are not in the ISPConfig panel. And I am still a little bit afraid of the command line ;).
  3. Leszek

    Leszek Member

    I find OpenSuSE to be usefull (other distributions are like that to) and userfriendly.I didn't have the pleasure to try CentOS yet.

    I'd like to add another thing to my post/question. How about security ?
    Attacks ? How often do they occur?
  4. Jorem

    Jorem Member

    With OSSEC-HIDS you get a report when somone tries to access your system. And the first few day's I noticed that it is quite often that they try to login to ssh for example. But always with root, root is disabled for ssh, so no problem.

    After a few days you get used to the warning mails : ).

    For webmin I do not use the root as login but a different name and loooong password.

    I use php safe-mode where I can.

    And so far everything is running good and stable.
  5. sbovisjb1

    sbovisjb1 Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I personally find openBSD great for system stability and security. Slackware is fantastic as it is very stable, has a huge user base and has had the most longevity of the various distros. And Fedora. Its the first distro I ever used and I loved it. Its fast and stable and for me it ran like a dream.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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