I am a Linux newbie, so please bear with me if this question is an obvious one. I am using a Fedora Linux VM on a VirtualBox. Is there a way to alter the visudo file within vi editor or nano (for example, changing env_reset to env_reset, pwfeedback) or something similar such that the password characters are visible in the terminal window (they are still masked, but feedback is given to the user)? Is changing such said configuration a violation of Linux user best practices, say from a security standpoint?
I believe visudo is not a file (well, actually it is /usr/sbin/visudo, a binary executable) but a command. So editing is is not really a thing to do. If what you actually meant is modifying /etc/sudoers file, that is done with the visudo command, but must be run as root. So login as root or issue command Code: sudo visudo More info with command Code: man visudo Also: https://www.howtoforge.com/communit...or-a-first-time-linux-user.83782/#post-399369 They are made invisible for a reason ...