Hi yesterday I run update on my debian server by Webmin. After updating some apache2 and etc. It shows update fail. After that I cant start apache2. I must run Code: netstat -ltnp | grep ':80' Then kill pid Code: kill -9 1047 and now i can start apache2 When I started it first time after update some websites on fastCGI wont work I must change them in ISPconfig3 to mod-PHP and now works NOW - I cant restart apache without kill pid. In log of ISP I see Code: Unable to open logs (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80 (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down In log of some website I see Code: [emerg] (13)Permission denied: mod_fcgid: can´t lock process table in pid 19264 CAN ANY ONE HELP ME PLEASE? Yep I know that I am stupid...
You should NEVER use to control panels on one system. Either use ISPConfig OR Webmin, but not both! You can try to complete the upgrade as follows: Code: apt-get update Code: apt-get upgrade
I am using webmin only for backup. Now I will know that I will try that... I hope when I do, that it will not mess server Thanks Falko