Load balancing and increase availability

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by webmarker, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. webmarker

    webmarker New Member

    Hi thanks to your great tutorials I successfully configured my first web server. I followed this tutorial here http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-debian-squeeze-with-bind-and-dovecot-ispconfig-3
    Right now I just have a low-end vps and I would like to balance the load with another vps and increase the website availability too (like in case one vps goes down the other one takes all the traffic). I dont have an high budget, which easy and cheap way do you suggest me to do that?

    Thanks for your help
  2. webmarker

    webmarker New Member

    Anyone who can help?
  3. webmarker

    webmarker New Member

    Thanks for your answer but this kind of configuration doesnt balance the load of the web server, it just divides the servers by service. And it also doesnt provide a solution in case one server is down. I was thinking of something with a maximum of 3 servers that balance their load and copy each other and in case one is down the other 2 still work / balance their load. Is this kind of configuration possible?
  4. artur_gib

    artur_gib New Member


    I have similar question. I am looking for a tutorial for this scenario:

    I would like to configure 2 servers (ISPConfig3 on Ubuntu 12.04, web and emails) in 2 different offices. One as a master, 2nd one as a slave. If master will go down, slave should switch automatically and accept all emails and web traffic. Is it possible? Any tips or suggestions are welcome :)


  5. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi Artur,

    if you won´t use a load-balancer or a fail-over-ip, you can also use your dns-records.

    If server A can´t reach server B, A replaces the DNS-Records with the IP of server A - and vice versa. But this could result in a single point of failure.

    Anyway, you must keep the data on both serves always in sync. For the databases use a replication, for the filesystem something like drbd or unision.

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