Loadbalanced High-Availability Webserver Cluster

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by EricTRA, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. EricTRA

    EricTRA New Member


    I setup a loadbalanced high-availability webserver cluster following How To Set Up A Loadbalanced High-Availability Apache Cluster from this site. Everything works great.

    Now I'm planning to set up the same but currently the nodes are still installed on Windows operating system. The webservers are all Tomcat servers. I have the loadbalancing and high availability setup on two nodes, working great. But when I try to connect to a website on one of the virtual IP's then of course I get an error since the nodes (Windows/Tomcat) are not listening on the virtual IP.

    Can someone indicate how to set up the NIC on Windows to listen on the virtual IP's? In the future all those Windows servers will be replaced by Linux but for now I'd like to get this up and running as is. It would surely add value to our production environment.

    All help is greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards,

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That's a good question. To be honest, I have no idea... :confused:
  3. EricTRA

    EricTRA New Member

    Hi Falko,

    We got it working. If you know how to do it, it's a piece of cake. Maybe a good thing to add it to your HowTo for those users who have to work in a mixed environment.

    Using the Add Hardware wizard, select Yes to indicate you have already connected the hardware, choose Add new hardware device at bottom of list, select the Advanced option, select Network interfaces, select Microsoft on the left and Microsoft Loopback adapter on the right. Voila, next configure the virtual IP on the loopback adapter. This instruction worked for us on Windows 2003 server.

    Kind regards,

  4. fazi_puri

    fazi_puri New Member

    need help related to ultramonkey high availability

    hey guys i have done almost complete work and all tests went fine but the only problem which i am facing is in ldirectord.cf file ..........................my request is not forwarding toward the real server......................and i am sure that my load balancers are working fine.

    if anybody knows about the problem plz help me .........
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Any errors in your logs?
  6. fazi_puri

    fazi_puri New Member

    hey falko i am new in linux............

    abt which logs error u r asking????? of real server logs or load balancers logs?????
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The load balancer logs.
  8. fazi_puri

    fazi_puri New Member

    hey my ldirectord.log file is displaying these kind of commands

    system(/sbin/ipvsadm -e -t -r -g -w 1) failed: No child processes
    Restored real server: ( (weight set to 1)
    system(/sbin/ipvsadm -d -t -r failed: No child processes
    Deleted fallback server: (
    system(/sbin/ipvsadm -e -t -r -g -w 0) failed: No child processes
    Quiescent real server: ( (weight set to 0)
    system(/sbin/ipvsadm -a -t -r -g -w 1) failed: No child processes
    Added fallback server: ( (weight set to 1)

    then again repetetion of same commands

    plz help me :(
  9. fazi_puri

    fazi_puri New Member

    falko i am using 1 real server do u think that it might be creating problem that i am not using 2 or more than 2 real servers????????
  10. fazi_puri

    fazi_puri New Member

    hey falko my ldirectord.cf file contain these commands

    real= gate
    receive="It works!"
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Are you using virtual machines?
  12. fazi_puri

    fazi_puri New Member

    yeh falko me using virtual machines for load balancers .............i have installed 2 ubuntu operating systems to make them load balancers...

    do u think that virtual machines are creating problem????????
  13. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I don't think so... but - what virtualization technique do you use?
  14. fazi_puri

    fazi_puri New Member

    plz plz plz help me

    falko can u plz tell me that what configuration should i need in our real servers??????????

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