Local nameserver setup

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by anark10n, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. anark10n

    anark10n Member

    Hey there, so i'm following this tutorial on how to set up my own name servers, and i just ran into some points of confusion.
    1. Are 2 nameservers required for name services for an internal network?
    2. Do i have to create DNS zones for the nameservers as well?
    Thanks for any clarity provided.
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    This question I do not understand. Zone is created for the domain, not for individual hosts or servers.
  3. anark10n

    anark10n Member

    Thanks for the clarity.
    This answers my question. I got confused because of all the records in the tutorial, so the second question was mostly just me making sure about what zones i should be creating.
    Thanks again.
  4. anark10n

    anark10n Member

    Ok, so i got everything set up and working properly, and i'm able to reach the sites i create using the domain names.
    Only problem now is the testing mail, the MX records show up in the ANSWER section when i dig for them, but the mail client (thunderbird) can't find the server when i enter the settings.
    Also can't send an email from an account (using roundcube) to itself; the process times out.
    Any ideas on what to check as to what could be the cause of these issues.
  5. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    MX records are used when sender finds yout which mail server receives mail for a domain.
    So if you are setting up a mail client like Thunderbird, MX records are not used there. To configure a mail client, enter the mail servers FQDN, username, password and what protocol to use. Then try connecting.
    Your mail server is not working. Examine mail logs to find out why.

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