lockout after use of ISPConfig 3.1 & Horde 5 install script for Debian 9

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Al Ex, Jul 12, 2018.

  1. Al Ex

    Al Ex New Member

    Hi Guys
    Thx for the great script. But i have following problem:
    After the installation and user creation everthing works perfect. But as soon as i make a reboot
    (with reboot or systemctl reboot) i can login anymore (no ispconfig, no horde and no ssh). On the contabo site it says server is running as status. Pls help, thx

    Vielen Dank für das klasse Script. Allerdings hab ich nach der Installation folgendes Problem:
    Installation, User erstellen und LogIn alles geht. Aber sobald ich nen reboot
    (mit reboot und auch mit systemctl reboot) mache, bin ich komplett ausgesperrt. Weder ispconfig, noch Horde, noch ssh funktionieren. Auf Contabo steht, dass der Server normal läuft als status.
    Bitte um Hilfe, danke.

    edit: looks like server is complet down.
    output of ping: 16 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 7611ms

    LG Alex
  2. Al Ex

    Al Ex New Member

    This is the second time that this happend. The first time i tought it was my mistake. So this time i only installed the script, created one user inkl domain and email adress. Nothing else was done.
    all was ok, since the reboot the server is down.

    Das ist das zweite mal das das passiert. Beim ersten mal dachte ich mir das das vllt mit irgendwelchen (falsch getätigten) Einstellungen zu tun hat.
    Deswegen neu aufgesetzt, nur einen User inkl Domain und Emailadresse erstellt. Sonst nichts geclickt.
    Alle Logins funktionierten, seit dem reboot ist der Server down.

  3. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    What kind of host is this?
    Can you check on the console what is happening when the host boots?
    If you install plain Debian 9 and reboot, does the server come up?
    It is hard to guess why host does not boot without more info.
  4. Al Ex

    Al Ex New Member

    It is a contabo vps (kvm)
    No sorry in their interface i see nothing. Under "contabo" -> "VPS Control" -> "Status is running"
    But i can not reach it. No Ping, No SSH, nothing.

    Never had issues with a plain OS install via the contabo console.
  5. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Install ISPConfig following the perfect server guide. Then the install script you now used can not mess up the booting.

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