log size..

Discussion in 'General' started by TheRudy, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. TheRudy

    TheRudy Member

    I know there's been talking about it, seen threads but something is fishy here..
    Should log size of a website be reduced to stay within limits set in ISPConfig? For example, if i set '10' that means 10MB of log size. It should NEVER go over 10MB yet i'm having 17MB of logs for a site. If i set 5% size should not go over 5MB.

    I set this size 10MB when log size was already over 10MB, could that be the problem? I thought that log size will be reduced when stats are updated..
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The limit does not mean thet the logfile can not be larger then e.g. 10 MB, it means that if the logfile is larger then 10MB, the next nightly run of the webalizer.php file will delete it.

    Setting the max. logfile size smaller then the dily logfile size does not make sense if you want to get any website staistics.
  3. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    Its not working on my web.. my php have a 2Gb filesisze ilmit (jajajaa i cant stop laughting every time i think about it.. ), i put a 1Gb limit (daily its about 700Mb) and the system keeps adding to the main file.

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