Logging in to isp config

Discussion in 'General' started by Jrdgames, Feb 6, 2006.

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  1. Jrdgames

    Jrdgames New Member

    Last edited: Feb 6, 2006
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you got any errors during installation? Please have a look in the install log: /var/log/ispconfig_install.log

    Did you get errors when you execute:

    /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server restart

    Please post the output of:

    netstat -tap
  3. Jrdgames

    Jrdgames New Member

    These look like they may be errors:
    Thars all I found in the install log.

    On this command: /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server restart I get
    netstat -tap Gives me the following:

    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State    PID/Program name
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:32770 *:*                     LISTEN   6212/hpiod
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:32771 *:*                     LISTEN   6227/python
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:mysql *:*                     LISTEN   11623/mysqld
    tcp        0      0 *:ftp                   *:*                     LISTEN   15690/proftpd: (acc
    tcp        0      0    *:*                     LISTEN   19234/named
    tcp        0      0 localhost.locald:domain *:*                     LISTEN   19234/named
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdoma:ipp *:*                     LISTEN   7887/cupsd
    tcp        0      0 *:nessus                *:*                     LISTEN   7962/nessusd: waiti
    tcp        0      0 *:smtp                  *:*                     LISTEN   15668/master
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdoma:953 *:*                     LISTEN   19234/named
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:50684 localhost.localdoma:ipp ESTABLISHED6914/gnome-cups-ico
    tcp        0      0       ESTABLISHED9636/firefox-bin
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:32770 localhost.localdo:48158 ESTABLISHED6212/hpiod
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:48158 localhost.localdo:32770 ESTABLISHED6227/python
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdoma:ipp localhost.localdo:50684 ESTABLISHED7887/cupsd
    tcp6       0      0 *:imaps                 *:*                     LISTEN   23901/couriertcpd
    tcp6       0      0 *:pop3s                 *:*                     LISTEN   23799/couriertcpd
    tcp6       0      0 *:pop3                  *:*                     LISTEN   23724/couriertcpd
    tcp6       0      0 *:imap2                 *:*                     LISTEN   23843/couriertcpd
    tcp6       0      0 *:www                   *:*                     LISTEN   7861/apache2
    tcp6       0      0 *:ssh                   *:*                     LISTEN   6450/sshd
    tcp6       0      0 ip6-localhost:953       *:*                     LISTEN   19234/named
    tcp6       0      0 *:https                 *:*                     LISTEN   7861/apache2
    Had to put it in a code box so it didnt make smilies.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Was this installation an update or a fresh install?
  5. Jrdgames

    Jrdgames New Member

    this was a fresh install
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    I guess a lot of things went wrong with your installation - did you try to install more than once?

    Please run these commands:
    rm -fr /root/ispconfig
    rm -fr /home/admispconfig
    Also delete the ISPConfig database, if it exists (have a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1102 ).

    Then unpack the ISPConfig tar.gz again and try another installation.
  7. Jrdgames

    Jrdgames New Member

    thank you till and falko for your help so far,

    yes I ran the instalation again because it said it stopped when I entered the mysql password wrong then on the second install atempt it didnt ask for any mysql information, and when I installed mysql it didnt ask me for a password so im trying to reset/change it I found some information on that here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html but I am not able to follow it very easily.

    I ran those commands and I didnt get any errors or messages.

    I looked at that other thread but I need to reset the mysql password to continue.

    All help is greatly appreciated.
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

  9. Jrdgames

    Jrdgames New Member

    this command: mysqladmin -u root password yourrootsqlpassword seems to require that you have a mysql password and this command: mysqladmin -u root -p<current_password> password <new_password> seems to be for resetting the password but you have to have a password to reset and on this page it says
    but in terminal if I leave the password blank it says it fails to connect:
    mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
    error: 'Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO)'
    is there any easier way to do it? or is there an interface that can be used instead of doing everything through terminal?

    Sorry for not understanding this very good but im new to it.
    thankyou for your help so far.
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    If you set up MySQL for the first time, then you have the user root with an empty password. You can then run

    mysqladmin -u root password yourrootsqlpassword
    which will set root's password to yourrootsqlpassword.

    If root already has a password, you must run
    mysqladmin -u root -p[I]current_password[/I] password [I]new_password[/I]
    instead to set a new password for root where current_password is root's current password and new_password is root's new password.
  11. Jrdgames

    Jrdgames New Member

    when i run: mysqladmin -u root password yourrootsqlpassword I get:
  12. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    What's in /etc/hosts?
  13. Jrdgames

    Jrdgames New Member

    It says:
    Code: localhost.localdomain localhost jrdserver1
    # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
    ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
    fe00::0 ip6-localnet
    ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
    ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
    ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
    ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
    I don't have a domain name if that makes any diference.
  14. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    Can you try
    mysqladmin -h -u root password yourrootsqlpassword
  15. Jrdgames

    Jrdgames New Member

    hmm... it looks like that wouldve worked, heres the message I get:
  16. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    Please post /etc/mysql/my.cnf here.
  17. Jrdgames

    Jrdgames New Member

    ok here it is:
    thanks for your patience with me :)
  18. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    You can remove
    bind-address =
    from /etc/mysql/my.cnf and restart MySQL, although I don't think this has anything to do with your problem.

    I guess you have wrong values in the Host coumn in the user table of the mysql database. The problem is: how do we change it if we can't access it?
    And I wonder how the wrong values went into there? Maybe someone accessed the MySQL database when it didn't have a password and changed the values...
  19. Jrdgames

    Jrdgames New Member

    I didnt tell anyone that would have known how to do it or would have been able to get the server's ip...

    Would it just be best to uninstall mysql as well as ispconfig and then reinstall?
  20. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    You don't have to tell anyone about it. There are people out there scanning the net for things like these... Therefore you should set a MySQL password immediately after installation!

    Uninstalling MySQL won't help because it doesn't remove the databases... You should consider a clean reinstall.
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