Logging in to mailuse with user@domain Solution.

Discussion in 'General' started by tmdg, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. tmdg

    tmdg New Member


    I'm running ISPConfig Version: 2.2.32. I found my mail users can log in to
    http://myipsconfig:81:/squirrelmail/ with user@domain however they could not do the same with http://myipsconfig:81:/mailuser A brief hack of /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/mailuser/login/index.php showed that on line 72

    $res = $app->pop3->Login($orig_username,$passwort,0);

    should IMVHO be

    $res = $app->pop3->Login($username,$passwort,0);

  2. ajhart

    ajhart New Member

    I have almost the same problem or query. When I register a user with username and password under users@email, it will only work with that specific username.
    Isn't there may be a solution where I can register a name like peter and the user can login using the username as [email protected].

    Thanks in advance
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    This is possible only with the webmail packages that you can download from ispconfig.org. In other email clients, you must use the username (e.g. web1_someuser).
  4. ajhart

    ajhart New Member

    Thanks Falko.

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