Logging, reports

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by todvard, Mar 9, 2006.

  1. todvard

    todvard New Member


    just few thoughts which features would be useful in ISPConfig:

    1. Logging

    It would be nice, if i, as an administrator could see the activity of users, clients and resellers. It could save time and could help to give more reliable support for users on all levels of ISPConfig if i could see what are they do or what are they did wrong.

    2. Reports

    It would be helpful, if i could create reports for a Client, which could contain related sites, domains, hosts, usernames, email addresses, occupied disk space by user, etc.. etc.. Maybe in PDF format or on printable HTML page. A such report could help to find a certain username or email address, as now one can not see all usernames, email addressess and aliases related to one site on one page (if i am correct :))

    3. Changelog

    Would be nice, if one can know what has been changed from version to version in ISPConfig. It could help to system administrators to know what can they expect after an update.

    4. RoadMap

    Is there a roadmap available somewhere? Would be great to know on which way ISPConfig is going, which features are in development. If everything from the previous few lines already on this roadmap then sorry for asking :)

    Anyway, thank you for reading
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    We have changelogs. Take a look here, for example: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2823
  3. todvard

    todvard New Member

    Thanks, my fault, found it later today, didn't had time to correct my post. :)

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