Login screen UebiMiau http://mydomain.com:81/webmail

Discussion in 'General' started by Hans, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Although UebiMiau has its own project at http://www.uebimiau.org/ I still want to ask my question here, because this package of UebiMiau is distributed at http://www.ispconfig.org/

    The default setting of the language at the login screen is English and everything is displayed correctly, like:




    However, when I choose another language (in my case Dutch, Netherlands) it changes in:




    The word language (In Dutch/Netherlands = Taal) disappears).
    This also happens also when you choose several other languages.
    I like to correct this small problem, cause it does not look very nice.
    So, I want to know in which file can I edit the text to correct the text as mentioned above?

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please have a look at the language files in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/webmail/langs.
  3. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator


    Some *.txt files in the /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/webmail/langs directory mis the line:
    lng_language = Language.

    I have added this line under the line:

    lng_theme = Theme

    where "Language" is "Taal" for the nl.txt file for example.

    Thank you again!


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